Why Use Artificial Grass In A Play Area?

It seems that children and boo-boos go hand-in-hand. Whether it’s a scraped elbow, a knot on the head, or injuries elsewhere on the body, parents often wonder if their kids will ever make it to adulthood as much as they’re injured. Parents mend those boo-boos when they happen, often with a grimacing face. Seeing our little ones after an injury fills our heart with pain, and we’ll do anything to stop their hurt. That is why installing artificial grass in your home play area is a great idea.

Say Hasta la Vista to Boo-Boos

Already used at many public playgrounds and parks, artificial turf nips those boo-boos in the bud, or at least significantly reduces them. Tough, durable, and long-lasting, fake grass minimizes grass damage that devalues the appeal and value of the property as well as prevents kids from stepping on foreign objects that may cause them serious injuries. It is weather-resistant, great to use any time of the year since it minimizes slips and falls. 

Chemical & Pesticide Free

Additionally, artificial lawns require no harsh chemicals or pesticides that we use in real lawns. These chemicals and pesticides, designed to keep weeds and pests at bay, can be dangerous to humans. It is even riskier for kids who play in the grass and sometimes, even the weeds. Worry no more and consider artificial turf instead. With fake grass installed in the play area, there’s no need for the harsh chemicals and pesticides that may filtrate the air with dangerous irritants. The kids can even bring Fido out to play since artificial grass is safe for pets!

Artificial turf is sold in a variety of grass species, colors, and styles that suit the needs of every playground -and every budget. Turf offers a solid, safe play area for kids of all ages, giving parents freedom from worry and kids the freedom to enjoy playtime just a little bit more. The many benefits of artificial turf listed here are among those from a long list of perks that you’ll soon enjoy.

Kids are too young and having too much fun to concern themselves with dangers in the play area. That’s why parents have the job of being concerned for their kids. Artificial turf offers an excellent safety protection measure for the play area that parents can trust to keep their kids’ boo-boo free for longer. Both kids and parents thrive when artificial turf is installed. Contact Top Notch Turf in Colorado Springs for a free estimate and consultation today!