Is Artificial Turf Good for Dogs?

With artificial turf booming in popularity and becoming trendier by the year, many people are making the switch from organic grass to fake grass. There are a few different reasons for this, with the main one being that synthetic turf is just better overall for global water usage since they don’t need to be watered every day. With that said, there are a few things holding some people back from jumping on board the bandwagon. One of the most prominent is the concern over how dogs do with synthetic grass.

Less Damage

If you currently have organic grass and a dog, you’re probably already familiar with the toll animals can have upon the lawn. It’s not uncommon for pups, especially larger breeds, to tear across the yard with no regard for the fragile grass underfoot. The result is often ripped clumps of grass that are unsightly and difficult to fill in. Artificial turf doesn’t have this problem. Your dog can run as much as they’d like without fear – and their waste won’t negatively impact it, either, thanks to its permeable backing.

Easy Cleaning

Dogs can certain dirty up even the cleanest spaces, but that’s okay when it comes to artificial lawns. You might expect the dirt to be a problem, but because fluids can easily drain through the turf, it’s easy to keep artificial grass clean and bright. Just wash it down every now and then and run a rake or comb through it to pick up any debris. You can also let the rain do the work on your behalf if your area sees plenty of cloudy days during the year.


Finally, the vast majority of artificial turf is non-toxic. That means that when your pup comes running up to you with a mouthful, you don’t need to worry that they’ll get sick. With that said, always check with your provider to ensure your synthetic grass is safe for canine consumption.

The team at Top Notch Turf can help with any questions you might have!